
作者:佚名 来源:本站原创 点击数: 发布时间:2011年12月07日


1.先在设置标签的参数添加一个新的参数名称  DisableVirtualLink  数据类型:布尔型或者是SQL超级参数型      默认值:false    参数说明:禁止输出虚连接的项目       




  • 指定的栏目还没内容!


                      {PE.Label id="商品综合信息列表_" noShow="" priceDescription="" monetaryUnit="" IsShowPrice="" IsShowPic="" IsShowPriceMarket=""  IsShowButton="" IsShowCompareButton="" titleLength="" type="" IsShowContent="" contentLength="" IsShowPromotionIcon=""  queryCond="SELECT TOP @pagesize * FROM PE_CommonModel CM INNER JOIN PE_CommonProduct CP ON (CM.ItemID = CP.ProductID) INNER JOIN PE_SpecialInfos SI ON (CM.ItemID = SI.GeneralID)     WHERE CM.NodeID IN () AND CM.Status = 99 AND CP.EnableSale = 1 AND ProductType != 4 AND CM.LinkType = 0 AND SI.SpecialID IN ()
    AND CM.ItemID NOT IN(SELECT TOP @startrow CM.ItemID FROM PE_CommonModel CM INNER JOIN PE_CommonProduct CP ON (CM.ItemID = CP.ProductID)    WHERE CM.NodeID IN () AND CM.Status = 99 AND CP.EnableSale = 1 AND ProductType != 4 AND CM.LinkType = 0

           AND SI.SpecialID IN ()

                              AND CP.IsNew = 1

                              AND CM.EliteLevel >= 100

                              AND CP.IsHot = 1

                              AND CP.IsBest = 1

                              AND CM.Priority >= 100

                              AND CP.SalePromotionType IN (1,2,3,4)

                              AND CP.ProductType =3

                           AND CP.TrademarkName=''

                                AND CP.Price >=

                                AND CP.Price >= AND CP.Price <

                                       AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                                      AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                              ORDER BY CM.UpdateTime DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.Hits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.DayHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.WeekHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.MonthHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CP.Price DESC

                              ORDER BY CP.Price ASC

                              ORDER BY CP.BuyTimes DESC


                           AND CP.TrademarkName=''

                                AND CP.Price >=

                                AND CP.Price >= AND CP.Price <

                                       AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                                      AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                              AND CP.IsNew = 1

                              AND CM.EliteLevel >= 100

                              AND CP.IsHot = 1

                              AND CP.IsBest = 1

                              AND CM.Priority >= 100

                              AND CP.SalePromotionType IN (1,2,3,4)

                              AND CP.ProductType =3

                              ORDER BY CM.UpdateTime DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.Hits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.DayHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.WeekHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.MonthHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CP.Price DESC

                              ORDER BY CP.Price ASC

                              ORDER BY CP.BuyTimes DESC

                      " queryCount="SELECT COUNT(CM.ItemID) FROM PE_CommonModel CM INNER JOIN PE_CommonProduct CP ON (CM.ItemID = CP.ProductID)  INNER JOIN PE_SpecialInfos SI ON (CM.ItemID = SI.GeneralID)
                      WHERE CM.NodeID IN () AND CM.Status = 99 AND CP.EnableSale = 1 AND ProductType != 4 AND CM.LinkType = 0

          AND SI.SpecialID IN ()

                           AND CP.TrademarkName=''

                                AND CP.Price >=

                                AND CP.Price >= AND CP.Price <

                                       AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                                      AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                              AND CP.IsNew = 1

                              AND CM.EliteLevel >= 100

                              AND CP.IsHot = 1

                              AND CP.IsBest = 1

                              AND CM.Priority >= 100

                              AND CP.SalePromotionType IN (1,2,3,4)

                              AND CP.ProductType =3

    " page="true" pagesize="" /}

                      {PE.Label id="商品综合信息列表_" noShow="" priceDescription="" monetaryUnit="" IsShowPrice="" IsShowPic="" IsShowPriceMarket=""  IsShowButton="" IsShowCompareButton="" titleLength="" type="" IsShowContent="" contentLength="" queryCond="SELECT TOP * FROM PE_CommonModel CM INNER JOIN PE_CommonProduct CP ON (CM.ItemID = CP.ProductID)  INNER JOIN PE_SpecialInfos SI ON (CM.ItemID = SI.GeneralID)
                      WHERE CM.NodeID IN () AND CM.Status = 99 AND CP.EnableSale = 1 AND ProductType != 4 AND CM.LinkType = 0

          AND SI.SpecialID IN ()

                              AND CP.IsNew = 1

                              AND CM.EliteLevel >= 100

                              AND CP.IsHot = 1

                              AND CP.IsBest = 1

                              AND CM.Priority >= 100

                              AND CP.SalePromotionType IN (1,2,3,4)

                              AND CP.ProductType =3

                           AND CP.TrademarkName=''

                                       AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                                      AND CM.ItemID IN (SELECT ID FROM PE_U_ WHERE )

                              ORDER BY CM.UpdateTime DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.Hits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.DayHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.WeekHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CM.MonthHits DESC

                              ORDER BY CP.Price DESC

                              ORDER BY CP.Price ASC

                              ORDER BY CP.BuyTimes DESC

                      " /}

